Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Comparison of Two News Articles

Below are the two different mediums that I found for a specific news article; An 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake in New Zealand on .

   I like to think of myself as a very informed individual; I love to keep myself up to date on current events. Normally while browsing on the web, I log on to 7online.com and see what's going on in the news. Today, the top story was a big earthquake that hit New Zealand and killed at least 65 people so far. I clicked on the article and read the entire story. As I was reading the article, I didn't really realize the full extent of this natural disaster. Because I was reading the article in my own voice, it didn't seem as severe as when I watched the news. Within the internet article, there was an interview with an eye-witness. When I was reading the article, I visualized what the witness looked like and what the affected area looked like. However, I couldn't really picture exactly how New Zealand looked. The only visuals I received were the ones that I had created in my head. However, when I watched the news on TV two hours later, I noticed that my perceptions and visuals of the event were far different than what actually existed.
   The reporter had a very somber tone when discussing the large, destructive earthquake in New Zealand. She really seemed quite concerned as she was reporting about the incident. She then sent us to New Zealand (virtually of course) with another reporter. There, I received the true images of the event. The reporter was literally in the center of the disaster site. He showed us just how much damage was done to the area, but perhaps the most heartbreaking site was when he showed all of the suffering, all of the victims. These poor people were so badly hurt, and through the lenses of the camera appealed emotionally to me. I saw the pain that they were experiencing while searching for family members trapped under the rubble. The videos captured through the news report made me feel like I was there with them, that I too was suffering. Perhaps it was the way the clip was presented, or maybe it was the increased severity I noticed that actually existed in New Zealand, but whatever the case I was none the less moved by the clip.
   For me, the more effective news article was the one that I saw on the television. The fact that I had pictures, audio and video clips of the area, along with the interviews conducted really appealed to me emotionally, and grabbed my attention more than the Internet article. The article on the Internet left much to the imagination. Yes, the words moved me a little, but I had to visualize what it may be like in New Zealand. I didn't get that emotional appeal, nor was I able to put myself in their position. Contrary to the article on the Internet, the news clip on the television was the more effective medium for me to get my information, especially in the news. To be able to actually see things going on, as opposed to just reading them works better for me.

Internet Article Credit to : www.7online.com (http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/national_world&id=7971898) Access Date-2/22/2011
Television Story Credit to: CBS Evening News at 12pm. (Channel 2) 2/22/2011

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