Sunday, April 17, 2011

Presentations Week One

   I can honestly say that everyone this week brought something truly unique and amazing to the table. The ideas were all so creative, but the way they were presented was even more commendable. However, I can only choose one presenter whom I thought did the best job of conveying their product to potential sponsors. This student, Megan, did an outstanding job of pitching her idea to the audience members. I believe that the most successful part of her presentation (which was hard to come up with) was her amazing presentation skills. You could tell that she really took pride in her product and she used her sense of humor during her presentation in order to break the ice. She made everyone in the classroom laugh with her wittiness and her bright and bubbly personality. Even if her product was not really successful, her presentation skills are what would win potential investors over.
    Aside from her outstanding public speaking skills, Megan had a product that I truly wish would be created. Her Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream flavor is so simple-yet so delicious and I can't comprehend how Ben and Jerry's haven't created this flavor yet. Not only did Megan create the product, but she also thought of a clever slogan to go along with it. Her "Strawberry Fields Forever" is the perfect name for her product-as it is a kind of play on words with the Beetles song and the other witty catchphrases for flavors that Ben and Jerrys has. In fact, she incorporated the Beetles into her radio advertisement. One potentially successful element of relating a product to another group or product is similarity. Perhaps by using the Beetles as a component of her ad, Megan is attracting a broader range of potential consumers. I think it was very smart for Megan to advertise to all spectrums of her target audience-from kids to adults.
   The third most successful component of Megan's Final Project was her three different ads. Her first ad, a Billboard, was simple yet successful. She used bold colors that appealed to children and adults alike. I like how she really researched as to where would be the perfect location to place her ad. I thought it was really clever for her to place it on the highway, by an elementary school. One of the most important and influential group to advertise to is children. I thought it was adorable how the chocolate was falling from the sky and just how detailed Megan got with all of her ads. She really took the time to make everything perfect and add her little details that put a special touch of every piece of advertising she created. For example, even though her Billboard she presented was too small to see it, Megan added hearts and they eyeballs on the cow for her ice cream. That right there shows just how special she made all of her ad and how detail oriented she got. Her next ad, a magazine ad was just the perfect way to get her product out there to potential customers. She used bright colors that popped and really grabbed the reader's attention. Her ad was so cutesy-and it will go much appreciated amongst parents who primarily read the type of magazine that Megan will be placing her ad into. The final ad, which is my personal favorite was the radio ad. I could not believe just how professional sounding the ad was. It must have taken Megan forever just to put it together-I think it could be aired on the radio just like that! The actors that she hired to do her radio campaign were so talented. The fact that Megan used the Beetles song really made such a difference to the ad overall. It added that special touch to an already extremely successful ad campaign.
    I really appreciated just how much effort and hard work Megan put into her presentation, yet just how effortlessly she executed her oral. The most successful products come about from people who are really passionate about what they are pitching-and the passion was really just flowing from Megan. Her personality just lights up the room and she got all of the people in the audience excited about what she had to offer. After her presentation, Megan really convinced me to buy her product so much so that I went home and made chocolate covered strawberries with vanilla bean ice cream. Megan really set the bar high for the other presenters with her outstanding work!

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